Sustainability is a growing concern for governments, corporations, and civil society. Leading economies such as China and the European Union have announced ambitious carbon neutrality targets and climate change action plans.
Policies and Requirements for Businesses
A New Standard of Care for Human Rights and the Environment
How to Better Your ESG Ratings Through Quality Information Disclosure
聚焦:克鲁勃润滑剂公司和客户的气候中和目标. 像许多其他公司一样,我们必须明白,我们通过在上游和下游供应链中的开发、采购和投资决策所能影响的排放(范围3)占我们总二氧化碳排放的90%以上。我们对2019年数据的初步计算和估计表明,范围3的排放量约为800,000吨二氧化碳当量,而范围1和范围2的排放量约为49,000吨二氧化碳当量。我们为自己设定了目标,即更准确地识别范围3的这些排放,并将与供应商、客户和合作伙伴一起努力,持续减少这些排放。
纬湃科技(Vitesco Technologies)是全球领先的开发商和制造商,致力于为可持续出行提供先进的动力总成技术。纬湃科技提供适用于电动、混动及内燃机驱动系统所用的关键部件和智能系统解决方案,让出行变得更清洁、更高效、更经济。公司产品包括电驱动系统、电子控制单元、传感器和执行器,以及尾气后处理解决方案。2021年,纬湃科技实现销售额83亿欧元,在全球近50个基地雇佣37,000名员工。纬湃科技总部位于德国雷根斯堡。
Despite Europe already at the forefront of deploying renewable energy globally, this year European countries, and the rest of the world, are facing the energy crisis. Consequently, Europe has hit record high numbers in generating electricity from the renewables, specifically solar power has shown to be crucial in helping Europe reduce its reliance on gas imports from Russia.