Not all children across the world get to experience the childhood they deserve. Some children are affected by war zones, disasters, poverty, resource deficiencies and other issues. To help, Hape Holding creat- ed the program “We Care, We Share” to donate toys and other items to children in six countries: Syria, Zimbabwe, Afghanistan, Nepal, Greece, and China. In 2019, the company donated toys to children in poverty-stricken areas around China. Hape collaborated with several international NGOs including Save the Children, Plan International, UNICEF, and Beilun Charity Federation, which helped them do customs clearance, transportation, and search for the children that would be receiving the donations. In 2020, “We Care, We Share” benefited over 12,000 children all over the world from 120 institutions such as autism rehabilitation centers, children’s hospitals, kindergartens, refugee camps and children parks. Since this is a long-term charity program, Hape will assess the countries and people in the beneficiary list every 12 months to care for more children in need.
Source: More Than A Market Booklet 2021