China Zigen Rural Education and Development Association is a non-profit organization dedicating to promote an equitable, people-centered society that upholds sustainable development. It supports people living in poverty in rural China to improve their unmet basic needs in the areas of basic education, primary health care, environmentally appropriate technologies and preservation of local culture.
To promote the idea of Education for Sustainable Development, China Zigen has been supporting more than 70 pilot rural Green Eco Schools and 20 Green Eco Villages throughout 11 provinces in China, including Guizhou, Yunnan, Sichuan, Shanxi, Gansu, Inner Mongaolia, Hebei, Henan, Hebei, Anhui, etc.
Shenzhen Spring Environmental Protection Volunteers Association was founded in 2011, committed to coastal natural ecological resources conservation, water environment protection. Through the establishment of the volunteer empowerment Action network, we will promote the joint efforts of all sectors of society to promote environmentally sustainable development by means of environmental survey and conservation actions, volunteer training, environmental education, technical programs and professional consultation.